Saturday, September 4, 2010


I want to talk about something that I feel our staff does really well. We are always VISIBLE at our school. We try to make an appearance every day in the front office. We always let it be known that "when we are available, we are willing to help out in any way we can." This can be the single best thing you can ever do in your job.

I know some of you may think I am crazy. You may ask, why would you ask to do more when you are already completely busy, and loaded down? The answer is simple. If you don't offer your assistance, the powers that be will most certainly require it at the most inopportune time. When they ask for volunteers, be the first to sign up. That way you get to choose what your task is. And when they assign you this task, do it to the best of your ability and with enthusiasm. I promise, they will remember this. When everyone else is complaining that "this is not my job", and have that pissed off look on their face, that will be remembered also.

My next tip for you is to find one member of your administration(ours is an assistant principal), that you can really hammer this with. We always tell them, "you know, we are pretty busy, but we will find a way to make it work." Doing this over the years has grown a huge appreciation for what we do. Now when they need something, they don't tell us what they need, they ask us if we are available. The quote from last year was,"Guys I'm so sorry. I know its last minute, and you have so many other things to do, but could you direct kids into the gym so we can...(not sure what the rest was)." What i do remember was me standing in the hall and pointing at the gym. Other negative attitude teachers were getting beat down by 2000 kids confined to a small area. My point with one is if you find a person in that kind of position, this will make them want to fight for you. They will do return the favor, and do everything they can to get you the sweet gig on a day full of beatings.

Being VISIBLE can only help you. It will allow people to see you, know that you are always around and working hard. They will see that, and will want to help you in return.

1 comment:

Carissa Spraberry M Ed, ATC, LAT said...

Great advice! I would add that in addition to being visible to administrators and teachers, it is important to be visible to parents. Be available to answer questions and make your presence known!