Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Hello all! Hope everyone is doing well and keeping somewhat cool during this crazy heat wave. Now, I know it is hot in Texas, but let me tell you it's pretty bad in Arkansas too..while driving yesterday I saw a truck (carrying what I believe to be was trash) BURST into FLAMES right on the interstate! I'm going to blame that one on the heat!

How many of you like to carry on the FIRE of excitement, ideas, leadership, and involvement? Well, I definitely know that myself and several people here in the state of Arkansas are excited to light a fire within our state association by getting many young professionals involved. Over the past several months a group of YP's have been gathering information, data, and statistics....and what was all of this about you may ask??? Well, it was about getting young professionals involved! We love what we have seen the NATA and SWATA YPC's accomplish, and we want to jump on board! Just as in have to start locally before you can expect a vast EXPLOSION of involvement to the larger levels! Did you know there are SIX states (Alabama, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, & South Dakota) that have YPC's?!?! Well, (drum roll please)....Arkansas in number SEVEN! About 70% of our state association membership is 35 and younger! Wow, how exciting for us! This means we have people all over the place that could possibly be the future leaders of our profession! Following in-step with NATA and SWATA YPC's are goals are to:

1) develop a mentorship program
2) assist with aspects of the state meeting
3) participate in community service projects
4) inform the membership about any and all information (from NATA, SWATA, and AATA)
5) promote involvement! name a few!

It is only with the great leadership of the NATA and SWATA YPC's that we have this opportunity!

We have a blog....

..and a facebook page...


..So, please, feel free to join and keep up with what is going on in the state of Arkansas!

It is with the previous leadership that paved the way that we have such a great opportunity to make a stamp within our state and district!


Until next time......

News Story about Athletic Trainers

Great news story in Austin about athletic trainers. Check it out if you have a minute.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

School is about to start again and you may feel a little like this cat looks! Absolutely ready to pull your hair out!! You haven't been sleeping as much, your hours are crazy, and you are contemplating moving into the athletic training room permanently. I wanted to take a minute to remind everyone why we are here doing what we do. It is not because of a pay check because we all know that we do not get paid enough to do what we do. We are here because the kids need us to be here. At the beginning of the month The Dallas Morning News had a four day series on concussions in sports. If you have not read it please take the time to do so. To summarize the series points out that the athletic trainers judgment should not be ignored. When an athletic trainer says an athlete should sit out then that decision should be respected and upheld. Another point that was made was that if you cannot afford to employ an athletic trainer then you cannot afford football. I couldn't agree more with both! The athletes need us as athletic trainers to step up and protect them when others may not. Our job is so much more than dealing with the paperwork, going to meetings, and teaching classes. Our main goal and purpose is to protect and help student athletes. So, as you dread going back to school just remember that the kids need athletic trainers!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

In your spare (ha!) time...

One fun way to build awareness about athletic training is to use our unique skill set and volunteer for the various weekend warrior events (fun runs, marathons, triathlons, charity walks, etc.)

Community service is something that I enjoy and I have had the pleasure to combine it with my love of athletic training and give back. I cannot express to you the satisfaction that comes from someone stopping at your pit and requesting the service of an ATHLETIC TRAINER over that of an MD! So gratifying.

We will attempt to keep you aware of events in your area, and please feel free to share your own events and experiences.

I have participated in both the Susan G. Komen 3-Day, and Avon Walk as medical crew.  You can read a recap of previous experiences on the 3-day here and here. Check the events in your area, even if the registration has closed, please call the volunteer coordinator, they ALWAYS need qualified medical help.

Also, check out the marathon and triathlon schedules for events in your area. Qualified, quality medical volunteers are hard to come by and so valuable.

I know we all work long hours and value our off time, but I assure you that volunteering for one of these events will be worth your while. It is a rewarding way to promote athletic training!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Help Me, Help You!

It's a great scene.  I know that I channel Jerry Maguire all the time.  I also channel Colonel Jessup from A Few Good Men, but that's for another post.

"It's an up-at-dawn, pride-swallowing seige..."  Isn't it though?  Athletic training has come a long way in its 60+ year history.  It has grown exponentially, and is gaining ground as an allied health profession.  Still, there is a ways to go.

Each of us as athletic trainers represents us all, and our professional organizations do a great deal to advocate on our behalf.  In addition to volunteering for committees and initiatives, there are so many ways to contribute to the future of athletic training.

For example, the NATA Foundation, the only 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the profession of athletic training through research and education. Established in 1991, the NATA Foundation advances its mission by awarding undergraduate and graduate scholarships and by funding grants that support research in health care.  Consider making a (tax-deductible) donation, develop research and apply for a grant or nominate someone for a scholarship.  Keeping our techniques and skills on the cutting edge will help in elevating athletic trainers.

Another organization that often goes unrecognized is the NATAPAC.  Established in 2005, this federal group is working on behalf of all certified athletic trainers and the people they treat.  This political action committee seeks better working conditions, fair access, and the right to practice for all athletic trainers across America.  Again, there are several ways to get involved: contribute, contact your Senator or Representative regarding current legislation, attend Hill Day.

Consider this...If one day a month you brought your lunch or skipped the Starbucks and donated that $5-7 to one of these worthy causes, you could make a significant impact.  If all 30,000 of us did that, think of the influence we could have.

All this to say that there are so many ways to keep athletic training relevant, and advance.  Find an area that appeals to you and step up.  It's exciting, interesting and you will be amazed at how much we can accomplish if we help each other help athletic training.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What Matters More?

Recently, there was an article on CNN Money that listed the "College Degrees That Don't Pay."  Surprisingly (or maybe unsurprisingly), athletic training was listed, along with social workers, chef and even teachers. 
While I question the data used in the article, it certainly raises an eyebrow. 

One other thing that really stands out to me is that for each "low-paying" career listed most all of those asked had a high level of job satisfaction.
"...I get paid in smiles. I know I'm not making as much money as a lot of my friends, but I love going to work every Monday and know that I'm changing lives every day..."

"...nothing could compensate me for spending eight to 10 hours a day at [a job I hate] when I knew something I really loved to do was still out there waiting for me."

"I may never drive a BMW or live in a 5,000 square foot house, but I get to go to a job that I love and that, to me, is priceless."

"I absolutely love what I'm doing now and couldn't imagine myself in another career for any amount of money."

Work is what we spend most of our life doing.  Isn't it important to be doing something that you enjoy?  Something that fulfills you?

Additionally, despite the supposed low salary athletic training is consistently listed among the fastest growing professions.  Government economists expect job growth for athletic trainers to be much faster than the average for all careers through 2018. In fact, it’s expected to be the tenth-fastest-growing career they studied.

As the number of jobs increase, we can continue to raise awareness and respect in the medical community as well as with the general public and the rest will begin to fall in line.