Monday, March 8, 2010


During NATM, we are going to use this blog to highlight some of the issues facing YPs, feel free to add your commentary and what's bugging you.

Chores are never-ending.  Even if you have done all the laundry and put it away (and that never happens) you still have the clothes you are wearing. Unless you do laundry naked.  The same can be said (minus the naked) for dishes and yard work and sweeping and vacuuming and....ugh.  never. ending.

They are a fundamental part of life.  From the moment you are capable, you have chores and at first there is a reward: stickers, privileges, allowance, etc.  The older you get the less the reward and the more an expectation, and then it is your responsibility.

Often we hear about life balance.  The delicate mix of work and personal life that is typically difficult for young professionals.  That discussion usually includes mention of family and friends, community and faith and priorities. 
Never any mention of chores.
However, I have found that the hardest part of "life balance" IS the chores.  I am great at time management.  I can juggle many things at once and keep my priorities straight, but I haven't yet mastered the art of getting chores done too.

When I get home at night, or finally have a free weekend the last thing I want to do is laundry.  So often times it will pile up until I have nothing to wear, or the dishes will sit in the sink for a day too long making them that much harder to get clean.

My husband is a HUGE help, don't get me wrong, but this chores thing is the bane of my life balance.  Maybe I need to get a housekeeper...or have kids who will one day work for free. 
Of course that throws the whole life balance scale out of whack again.

In all seriousness...laundry isn't more important than having dinner with the family, they make paper plates for a reason (even if it isn't "green"), and $20 to a neighbor's kid is money well spent if I can spend the afternoon with my husband and dog.

At the end of the day, or week, or month the chores are done somehow and my house may not be spotless, but I can live with that.


Unknown said...

All I have to say is AMEN! I also struggle with getting chores done, and it's even worse (well, I imagine it's worse) when you (and by you I'm talking about me) live with a room mate who you have to consider and respect as opposed to a husband who adores, cherishes, and worships you and doesn't mind if the entry way is swept as long as you flip your hair once in a while. Hahah! My chores get done too, miraculously, but not as often or as well as they should be. Let's just say I'm lucky I have the guest bathroom and anyone who comes over uses my potty and I can't stand the thought of people using my bathroom and thinking "gross!" so that's good motivation. :)

Reading this blog has made me realize that I've neglected my NATA blog (and my personal blog, but that was more of an experiment anyway). Funny, two years ago I posted almost every two weeks and now I only post when I'm super fired up or it's summer time and I actually have time to stop and think about what I'm thinking about.

Happy NATA Month, SWATA! Here's to sports safety and housework both being team efforts!!

Eboney Andrews athletic training student/Southern Arkansas University Magnolia AR said...

I can totally relate to you on this, I just recently had a son and my chores have increase like I would never imagine. The thought that” the older you get the less the reward and the more an expectation….” is so true. As you said for yourself and the help that you get, I also get a lot of help from my fiance. My housework has increased but I wouldn’t trade my family for the world.