Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Taking Care of Yourself

As Athletic Trainers we are constantly taking care of others. We are available for our athletes before, during, and after practices. We assist athletes when they are sick, injured, or lend an ear when they need to talk. Most of us travel to away game with our athletes. We also keep medical records and a collection of other paperwork to keep our athletic training facilities and athletes running. But what about you? What are you doing to keep yourself running? Are you creating time to do the things you love, to workout, to eat healthy? Do we follow the advice we give to our student athlete's?

The longer I have been practicing athletic training the more important working out, eating healthy and finding time to do the things I love has become. Taking care of myself; has helped me take better care of my athletes. Sure summer is here and my list of to dos is just as long as it during the school year, but now is the time to start the habit of taking better care of myself.  Our athletes are always watching us and are more like to take our advice if they see us, following our own advice. It only takes 2 weeks to form a habit, so why not start now?

When is the last time you did something for yourself. Today I challenge you to take one small step and make time to do something to take care of you? Whether its taking the time to cook a good "healthy" meal, going for a run, scheduling a massage, going out with friends or my favorite hanging out at a coffee shop. Whatever you decide is up to you! In the words of Nike "Just Do It"

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