Thursday, December 6, 2012

We All Bleed Red

With the Holidays around the corner, let’s take time to reflect on our personal lives and how thankful and fortunate we might be. As an athletic trainer, we take on many responsibilities and carry out many daily duties and tasks. Most of these tasks pertain directly to our profession such as injury prevention, evaluation, rehabilitation, but sometimes we are more than just an Athletic Trainer. Our student athletes spend their time away from home with their peers, teachers, and coaches and most of the time we find them in the athletic training room whether they are injured or not. 

Sometimes you may have the athlete that is always seeking medical attention for one reason or another and wonder why they are always hurt. Is this because they are really injured, are they involved in multiple sports, are they trying to get out of practice, or is it because the athletic trainers provide an environment in which they feel safe and cared for.

Students often look up to their Athletic Trainers because they feel like we are their parents away from home. They ask us for advice, they may just need someone to talk to, and they miss us when we are gone. We need to always remember, that the athlete that may drive you crazy, may live with a family member and seeking financial support from a teammate’s family. We do not always know every athlete’s home life or situation, but sometimes what they get at school is far better than what they receive at home.
So as the Holiday Season is taking place, remember that we are not just Athletic Trainers. In the student’s eyes, we are so much more.

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