Tuesday, September 17, 2013

It's Award Season!

No, I'm not talking about that Award Season, but nominations are now open for the athletic training world's version of the Grammys.

ATs, in general, have a problem with patting ourselves on the back. The Honors and Awards Reception held annually at the SWATA meeting is one of the few times our profession gathers to acknowledge the excellence of our colleagues.

As athletic trainers, hard work is a given, and excellence and professionalism among our health care peers is on the rise. ATs who go above and beyond this norm, deserve to be honored for doing so. I have never fully agreed with the old school motto that "athletic trainers should be seen and never heard," but I definitely don't agree with that when it comes to our own awards. Let them be heard!

Everyone knows someone who is great at their job, and now would be the time to nominate that athletic trainer for an award that recognizes greatness in the profession. I challenge everyone to nominate one person for one of the six SWATA awards. It doesn't take that much time. It doesn't require that much effort. It is easy to do! Don't let your favorite AT stand in the background; bring them to the stage to honor their commitment to our profession.

Deadlines to submit nomination packets to the Honors and Awards Committee is November 15. All nomination packets can be found on SWATA.org

-Tiffany McGuffin

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