Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Professional Resolutions???

It’s a New Year; did you happen to make resolutions? If so, how is the quest to lose those extra pounds? Are you going to bed earlier yet?  How's the vow to be 10 minutes early instead of 10 minutes late? Did you book that dream vacation yet? I hope so!

Have you given any thought on what you want to achieve in your professional life in 2014?  In the past, I would of never given it one thought to write down what I want to accomplish professionally in the New Year. 

As YPs, we are familiar with the goals we are asked to set immediately after graduation.  Is it grad school or another professional degree? I know every interview asks, "where do you see yourself in five years?" I think early on we are good at professional resolutions, but once we get settled in our careers, we are less inclined to do so. And that is a very bad thing.

So I challenge you to start in 2014. It could be as simple as "I want to read more AT journal articles and devote 30 minutes a week to reading them." You could decide you want to be a be a better diagnostician and spend time each week reviewing special tests. You could take a self-study course or webinar outside of the annual symposiums. You could make a point to ask your team physician’s random questions to expand your knowledge on any topic. If your physician’s are like mine, it will turn into a fun game; they may even quiz you a little. My goals include finishing the Kinesio tape certification process, but for you it could be anything. 

Let’s help each other out this coming year and set some goals. Write it down to make yourself accountable or tell a friend so that they make you accountable. Here’s to a great 2014!

-Julie Ellena

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