Thursday, April 2, 2009


This word often carries such a negative connotation. People get discouraged with "office politics," the "politics of friends" or even the "national politics."

I get it. Politics are annoying when you feel like it is the same people and the same type of "policy" over and over and over and over and over and over....well, you get my point.

What we need to realize is this; politics is the process by which groups of people make decisions. Politics gives small groups of people a chance to make a BIG IMPACT.

Young professionals aren't such a small group, and we can make a big impact. We are the future of athletic training (cheesy or not, it's the truth). It is my vision that in the not too distant future we will be the ones not only participating in the politics by voting, but benefiting from the politics by being elected!

I'm sure it seems like same old, same old, and why should I vote when nothing ever changes...blah blah blah, lame reason, blah blah blah. THAT IS EXACTLY WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE!!!

As the old saying goes, if you don't vote, you better not b....complain, that is.

Last year, of the 3000ish members of SWATA, only 220 voted. 2-2-0. A greater percentage of Americans vote on American Idol, or Top Chef for that matter and its not even on a major network!!

So vote! Don't just vote for a name. Actually take the time to read the platforms and vote on someone whose beliefs about the future align with your own. We have a big voice and we need to make an exclamation.

Find their bios here, and exercise your right to vote!

SWATA Second Vice President Nominees

ALSO...Did you know that there are SWATA Constitutional Changes in the works? This is another issue you will have the opportunity to vote on at the Annual Meeting in July. Check out the SWATA Executive Board Blog for more information, and see the SWATA website!


1 comment:

Kelley Henderson said...

I have to agree with Carissa. It is hard to listen to someone complain about what they get or "don't get" from SWATA, NATA, or whatever organization when they don't participate. We are the future and the only way that we will be happy with that future is to help shape it. Get involved; vote; make a difference!