Wednesday, March 23, 2011

“The better I get, the more I realize how much better I can get”

“The better I get, the more I realize how much better I can get” Martina Navratilova

Its registration time! Both the SWATA annual symposium and NATA annual symposium are now open for registration. I think it is so important for athletic trainers to attend at least one of these meetings. But here is the hitch, my colleagues, you must actually attend them! Call me lame, but conferences aren’t an employee-funded drunk fest or family vacation. They are there to serve as enrichment in the growth of our professional practices. You need to pick programming that interests you or, better yet, in an area you feel that you are deficient in. Regardless of what time of day they are being held! I know that it will most definitely be difficult to rise and shine in New Orleans, but the growth is what will make our profession better.

As we continue to grow and continue to strive for more clout among the medical community, these learning opportunities cannot be ignored. An athletic trainer must know current standards of care formed upon evidence-based practices. An athletic trainer must know new trends in rehab, modalities, evaluations, and legislation. Medicine requires continuing education due to its changing nature, and it is this reason that our professional organizations required CEUs. They require it, so we might as well make it prosperous and meaningful to us as individuals. These meetings are the perfect opportunity to personalize your learning experiences.

The link for SWATA is

The link for NATA is

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