Wednesday, August 26, 2009

One is Greater Than...


I am only 1 person.


We hear it all the time. Can 1 person really make a difference? An impact?

The song goes..."1 is the loneliest number," but I'm of the belief that 1 is the most powerful number.

It only takes 1.

4:00 minute mile...was an impossible task. It was thought that no one would ever run that fast. In 1954, with a time of 3:59.4, Roger Bannister made the impossible seem possible. Since that time the record has been broken numerous times.


Mt. 29,002 ft high is a giant of inconceivable proportion. Despite dangerous obstacles, and the sure belief of others that it couldn't be done, on May 29, 1953, Sir Edmund Hillary became the first climber to reach the summit. As of this year, nearly 2500 more climbers have reached that incredible goal.


There are several more examples of amazing accomplishments by 1 person. Louis Pasteur, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Martin Luther King, Jr., Jesus Christ.

These individuals CHANGED THE WORLD.

I'm not asking you to change the world. I just want you to know that your impact can be felt in athletic training. 1 person CAN make a difference. 1 person does matter.

If every person made their own impact, think about how huge that could be!

1 is greater than none, and whatever your contribution can be, it matters.

1 comment:

Kelley Henderson said...

I wholeheartedly agree with Carissa. One person can make all the difference in the world even if it a difference that only you notice.

One of my former students called me yesterday to say thanks. She had to spineboard a student and was thanking me for teaching her how to do it. I thanked her learning...she made a big difference in that student's life and she made a big difference in my afternoon (to remind me why I love teaching!)